
Selected  Awards/ Nominations / Film Selections

2023       Nominations for the Foam Paul Huf Award 2023

2023 Nominations C/O Berlin Talent Award 2023

2022       Best Portfolio Prize, Singapore international photography festival, Singapore

2021       Short list Artist, Top 20.21 Chinese Contemporary Photography Exhibition, Zhejiang Art Museum, Hang Zhou, China

2020        Winner (Media Award),The 12th Three Shadows Photography Award, Beijing, China

2020        Selected artists of Sunny Art Prize, Sunny Art Centre,  London, UK

2020        The Best Video Art Award, Pingyao  Photography  Festival, PingYao, China

2020        Winner (the best short documentary film in February) of  the Around International Film Festival , Amsterdam, Netherlands

2020        Winner (the best web and new media awards in Feb)  in Independent Short Awards,California,United States

2020        Winner, International Independent Film Festival Gold award Winer (Documentary short Film in Winter 2020), California,United States   

2020        Nominated Film, Arizona short Film Festival, Pollack Tempe Cinema, Arizona,US.

2020        Finalist Film (Best short documentary Film) of  NewYork Cinematography Awards,New York, United States

2020        Finalist Film (Best documentary Film ) of European CinematographyAwards, Amsterdam, Netherland

2020         Semi-Finalist Film in 15th International Ethnographic Film Fest Museum of  GALICIAN people (MICE – Mostra Internacional de

Cinema Etnográfico Museo do Pobo Galego), Galicia,Spain

2020         Honorable Mention film, Experimental Forum 2020, US.

2020         Official Selected Film in Flickers’ Rhode Island International Film Festival, Rhode Island, USA

2020         Official Selected Film in 34th Image Forum Festival “East Asian Experimental Competition” .

2020         Official Selected Film in 2020 AAS(Association of Asian Study) Conference,Boston,USA.

2020         Official Selected Film in New York Lift-Off film festival Online 2020

2020         Official Selected Film in Fusion East Europe International Film Festival, Warsaw,Poland

2020         Official Selected Film (January Edition) in 2020 Miami Independent Film Festival, Miami,United States

2019          Official Selected Film in 2020 SPE Media Festival,Huston, United States.2019  

2019         Winer (Best documentary Film in December) of Asian Cinematography Awards

2019         Winer (Best photography of documentary in December) of Asian Cinematography Awards

2019         MICA (Maryland Institute College of Art)research development grants 

2018         Winifred M. Gordon ’28 International Programs Award.

2017-19    MICA (Maryland Institute College of Art)Merit Scholarship.

2014-16    Shandong University of Arts scholarship.

2014-15    Official Selected photography  works of The Golden Colt Award World Photography Exhibition. 


2023 荷兰 Foam Paul Huf Award 2023 提名,荷兰

2023 柏林 C/O Berlin Talent Award 2023 提名,柏林,德国

2022 第八届新加坡国际摄影节最佳作品集,新加坡

2021 TOP20-21 中国当代新锐摄影师入选者,浙江省美术馆,杭州,中国

2020      第十二届三影堂摄影奖媒体关注奖,三影堂摄影艺术中心,北京,中国

2020       入围艺术家,英国Sunny Art 艺术奖,伦敦,英国

2020       最佳多媒体艺术奖,平遥摄影节,山西,中国

2020       获奖者(二月最佳短纪录片),Around Film Festival,阿姆斯特丹,荷兰

2020       获奖者(二月最佳新媒体电影)独立电影奖提名作品,加利福尼亚,美国

2020       获奖者(最佳短纪录片)国际独立电影节短纪录片获奖冬季单元,加利福尼亚,美国

2020       提名,亚利桑那州独立电影节,Pollack Tempe影院,亚利桑那州,美国

2020      决赛入围影片(最佳短纪录片),纽约电影摄影奖(NewYork Cinematography Awards),纽约,美国

2020       决赛入围影片(最佳纪录片),欧洲电影摄影奖,阿姆斯特丹,荷兰

2020       半决赛入围影片, 加利西亚人博物馆第15届国际民族志电影节,加利西亚,西班牙

2020       提名影片,2020年实验影像论坛,美国

2020      官方选映, 罗德岛国际独立电影节,罗德岛,美国

2020       官方选映,日本第34届实验影像论坛东亚影像竞赛单元,东京,日本

2020       官方选映,2020年亚洲研究峰会展映影片,波士顿,美国

2020       官方选映,纽约Lif-off电影节线上展映单元,纽约,美国

2020       官方选映,FUSION东欧国际电影节,华沙,波兰

2020       官方选映,洛杉矶Lif-off电影节线上展映单元,纽约,美国

2020       官方选映,2020年迈阿密独立电影 (2020 Miami Independent Film Festival),迈阿密,美国

2019        官方选映,2020美国SPE 电影节

2019       获奖者(最佳短纪录片),亚洲电影摄影奖( Asian Cinematography Awards)

2019        马里兰艺术学院研究调查基金会资助

2018        Winifred M. Gordon 28届国际项目金奖 

2017-19    马里兰艺术学院奖学金.

2014-15    金驹奖优秀摄影作品

Solo Show/Two-Person exhibitions

2023 Beyond Images, 299Free Art Gallery, Shanghai, China

2023 (Duo)Breathing Underneath, Modern Art Museum Shanghai, Shanghai, China

2019 11,565 Kilometres Project Show, MICA Main Building, Baltimore, MD, US

Selected group exhibitions/Screening 

2024 (coming) Memory Lane, The New Gallery, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

2024 Topolect & Dialect,Mayfair UWC Space, London, UK

2024 Morphing lands Impalpable currents, Jackman Humanities Institute, University of Toronto, Toronto,Canada

2024 Photographic Geomancy: Images,Fieldwork,and the Poetics of Geography, Guangdong Times Museum, Guangzhou, China

2023 Postscript of Silence, Ming contemporary Art Museum, Shanghai, China

2023 West Lake, Gaofan Photography Museum, Hangzhou, China

2023 “Borderless, Stateless” , Trinity Square Video, Toronto, Canada

2023 Connected, Tree Art Museum, Beijing, China

2023  Unlearning by Nature(Durian-Durian: Southeast Asian Studies as a Methodology), Guangzhou, Art Museum of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, Guangzhou, China

2023 Offside. Yi Xing Art Museums, Jiangsu,China

2022  Jimei X Arles International Photo Festival, Xiamen, China

2022   Singapore international photography festival, Singapore

2022 Jimei X Arles International Photo Festival photobookfair, Xiamen, China

2021  Top20-21 Chinese Contemporary Photography exhibition, Zhe Jiang Art Museum, China

2021  8th Daegu Photo Biennale, Korea, South Korea

2021  2nd KMA International Juried BiennialKatonah Museum of Art, New York, USA

2020-2021  The Power of Harmony: First Jinan International Biennale, Jinan Art Museum China. 

2020-2021“Junk Mail” group exhibition,  Inspire Gallery, Zhengzhou, China

2020 Resonance: 2020 The 12th Three Shadows photography award exhibition (Xiamen), The Three Shadows Photography Centre (Xiamen), Xiamen, China

2020 Ping Yao Photography Festival, Pingyao, China

2020 Resonance: 2020 The 12th Three Shadows photography award exhibition (Beijing),The Three Shadows Photography Centre (Beijing), China

2020 Sunny Art Prize Exhibition, Sunny Art Centre, London, UK

2020 34th Image Forum Festival “East Asian Experimental Competition” ,  Spiral Hall (Oct 2 to Oct 4), TOKYO; Aichi Arts Center (Nov 21-23), NAGOYA, Japan

2020 2020 Prague Independent Film Festival, Prague,Czech Republic

2020 MOCA Archives Fire Recovery mini exhibition, Museum of Chinese in America, New York, US

2020 Reflections on Spring: an Online Group Exhibition, Top Cat Gallery, New York, US.

2020 Asia North 2020 online exhibition,  Asian Arts & Culture Center of Towson University, Baltimore, US.

2020 Independent short awards film screen,Raleigh Studios in Hollywood, California,US.

2020 AAS(Association of Asian Study) Conference Film Expo,Boston, US.

2020 15th International Ethnographic Film Fest Museum of GALICIAN people (MICE – Mostra Internacional de Cinema Etnográfico Museo do Pobo Galego), Galicia, Spain

2020 SPE (Social of Photography Education) Media Festival, The Westin Galleria in Houston, Houston, TX, US.

2020 Winer of Asian Cinematography Awards screening,  UPFI Film Center, Manila, Philippine.

2020 NYAFAIR TriBeCa’s contemporary Art Fair, New York Art Center, New York, US.

2019  The Box Group exhibition, 104 Gallery, New York, US.

2019  Magnetic Cultures: Four Chinese Artists, Cardinal Gallery, Baltimore, MD,US.

2018  The Fall Show, Fox Gallery, Baltimore, MD, US.

2017   The Fall Show,  Lazarus Gallery, Baltimore, MD, US.

2016  Ping Yao International Photography Festival, Shanxi, China.

Thesis Show, The Gallery of SDUA, Shandong, China.

2015 The Seed Incubation Plan exhibition, Shandong Art Museum, Jinan, China.

Artist Residency & Artist Commission


2023 Xiang Lake and West Lake—Nationality and Ontology in Chinese Photography Project Commission, Hangzhou, China

2023 Themed Commission – Trinity Square Video’s annual summer artist residency

2022 Jimei x Arles local action, Xiamen, China


2023 图像之外,299Free Art 画廊,上海,中国

2023 底喘,艺仓美术馆,上海,中国 (双个展)

2019    11,565公里项目展,MICA MAIN BUILDING,巴尔的摩,美国



2024 方言之方,Mayfair UWC Space, 伦敦,英国

2024 万变之地,无定之流,多伦多大学美术馆,多伦多,加拿大

2024 相地勘舆,广东时代美术馆,广州,中国

2023 无声之后,明当代美术馆,上海,中国

2023 西湘记,高帆摄影艺术馆,杭州,中国

2023 无界与无籍,Trinity Square Video, 多伦多,加拿大

2023 聚点,树美术馆,北京,中国

2023  博物之知(榴莲·榴莲:作为方法论的区域艺术研究),广州美院美术馆,广州,中国

2023 越位,宜兴市美术馆,中国

2022  集美阿尔勒国际摄影节,厦门,中国

2022  新加坡国际摄影节,新加坡

2021   集美阿尔勒中国当代摄影图书展,三影堂摄影中心,厦门,中国

2021    TOP20-21中国当代新锐摄影展,浙江省美术馆,中国

2021    第八届韩国大邱摄影双年展,韩国

2021    第二届卡托纳美术馆国际评审展,卡托纳美术馆,纽约,美国

2020-2021 济南第一届国际双年展策展单元“吾乡-黄河流域当代齐鲁影像展” 济南美术馆,济南,中国

2020-2021 垃圾电邮当代先锋融合艺术展,柏尔艺术空间,郑州,中国

2020 共振:12届三影堂入围艺术家群展(厦门),厦门三影堂摄影艺术中心,厦门,中国

2020   20届平遥国际摄影展,平遥,中国

2020 共振:12届三影堂入围艺术家群展,北京三影堂摄影艺术中心,北京,中国

2020   Sunny 艺术奖入围艺术家巡展, Sunny 艺术中心, 伦敦, 英国

2020   34届影像论坛节东亚实验影像竞赛提名展览(34th Image Forum Festial),东京华歌尔艺术中心 Spiral Hall(9/26-10/4) ;名古屋爱知艺术中心(Aichi Arts Center), 日本

2020  2020年布拉格独立电影节电影展捷克共和国

2020  美国华人博物馆火灾修复档案展览,美国华人博物馆,纽约,美国

2020 “春天的反射” 线上群展,Top Cat Gallery,  纽约,美国


2020独立电影奖提名作品展映,Raleigh Studios in Hollywood, 加利福尼亚,美国

2020 2020年亚洲研究年会展映影片,波士顿,美国

2020 第15届西班牙加利西亚国际人类学电影节,加利西亚博物馆,西班牙

2020 SPE (Social of Photography Education) 影像节, The Westin Galleria in Houston, 休斯顿,美国

2020 亚洲电影摄影奖获奖放映会, UPFI电影中心马尼拉,菲律宾

2020 纽约翠贝卡艺术节,纽约艺术中心,纽约,美国

2019 盒子群展,104画廊,纽约,美国

2019 文化磁铁:四个中国艺术家,Cardnial Gallery,巴尔的摩,美国

2018  秋季展,Fox Gallery, 巴尔的摩,美国

2017  秋季展,  Lazarus Gallery, 巴尔的摩美国

2016 平遥国际摄影节,山西平遥,中国


2015 金种子计划展,山东美术馆,济南,中国



2023年 湘湖与西湖—中国摄影中的民族性与本体性项目委任,杭州,中国

2023年6-8月,The Trinity Square Video中心年度委任驻地,多伦多,加拿大
