The Unsent Letter

The Unsent Letter

4K Video (Color and sound),30min56s


The unsent letter is an essay film.It narratives some experiences encountered by an Asian archivist who was living in New York during the pandemic.

The film reveals how COVID-19 and quarantine affects an Asian man’s real life and his spiritual world in US. The film is based on video diaries, museum archives, and social chats.And it discusses different social issues caused by the Covid-19, such as the pandemic prohibition, the hate crimes and the individual’s perception of rumor and truth in a post-pandemic world.During the epidemic, the storage of food, the use of Internet communications, and various social bans have also made personal lives militarized, also the media’s propaganda power has been unprecedentedly strengthened in US. This film also focuses on the networks of these invisible powers in US.


4K 视频(彩色和声音),30 分钟 56 秒


《未寄出的信》是一部散文电影,它讲述了在大流行期间一位住在纽约的亚裔档案员的经历。这部电影 揭示了 COVID-19 和隔离如何影响亚裔在美国的现实生活和精神世界。

这部电影基于日常图像,例如视频日记、博物馆档案和社交聊天,它讨论了 Covid-19 引起的美国的不同社会问题,例如各种禁令、犯罪以及个体在大流行后世界中对谣言和真相的看法。2020年的纽约疫情期间,食物的储存、网络通讯的使用以及各种社交禁令也使每个城市居民生活朝向“军事化”过度,媒体的力度也空前加强。这部影像也关注这些无形的权力的网络。

Trailer 预告片